*If you are receiving this in your inbox again, it’s because this sent only as an email instead of also posting when I originally tried to do so; this is me trying to remedy that. Sorry if you receive it twice! (This message, and the title image, are the only changes to the post, so you can really read either!)
Dear readers,
Today is a little less of a letter and a bit more of a note/update.
There’ve been quite a few new people subscribe to the newsletter recently, which is lovely! I wanted to just thank everyone, those new and those old to this little bit of the Internet, for taking the time to pop by! I love getting to share words lists, word history, bookish/literary nerdery, and other assorted dorkery with you all.
Speaking of which, I have finally worked through my backlog of other beautiful newsletters to read. I read newsletters from and subscribe to a *ton* of other writers, all of whom are quite prolific. I’m trying to get better about responding and commenting and just talking with you wonderful people in this community.
If you want to see any of these other lovely writers, you can click through what I read on my profile page here. I’ll likely be adding more as I find more newsletters, because I am *always* finding more.
Speaking of subscribing, you can do that below, if you’re so inclined.
Zero pressure, seriously.
Anyway, today’s letter is me trying out what I’ve read from a lot of other writers: “Friday Links,” or similar titles. These typically involve the writer listing and discussing some things they’ve loved, been intrigued by, etc. this week. With, you know, links.
As I really like reading those, I figured I’d write my own! (Plus I’m very bad at not talking about what I’ve liked, sooo… it’s perfect.)
What I’ve Loved Recently
1. The “Akane-Banashi” Manga
Ohhh boy. I started reading this online the other day because the art style spoke to me.
(Tip: If you want me to look at something, just make it pretty and possibly cute.)
I’m very much enjoying this manga and anxiously awaiting the next chapter, as it’s still ongoing. The story follows high schooler Akane and her journey into rakugo, the one-person Japanese art of storytelling in which performers recite tales. I’d never heard of the art, but it’s fascinating, even without hearing it and only seeing it performed in the artwork. I’m certain it would be phenomenal to experience in-person.
Also, yes, the art is very pretty. (Everybody in the art pretty much either has white or pale pink hair as well, and having had pink hair earlier this year, I just find that very nice.)
2. Songs on Loop
I have been in a I-shall-play-one-song-on-loop-for-the-entire-day kind of mood for the past few days.
Thus far, I have listened to “Disaster” by Conan Gray, “92” by Fickle Friends, and “Weird Ones” by eleventyseven on repeat for a LOT of time. Like, the entirety of my workday, the entirety of car rides (to and from), the entirety of making dinner and cleaning the kitchen, the entirety of my chill time in the evening.
Obviously I love the songs, and also the artists. Seriously, anything they make is just a JAM. Much jam, very recommend.
3. Cookbook!
While I haven’t been reading this cookbook via link and instead bought the cookbook on sale last week, The Forest Feast: Mediterranean cookbook has been my friend. (Here’s a link though. She has a whole series of beautifully illustrated cookbooks.)
It’s sooo pretty. Watercolor recipes printed over gorgeous photography. Simple recipes with few ingredients.
It’s the first primarily vegetarian cookbook I’ve ever bought and so far, I’ve enjoyed the brussels sprouts pappardelle and cauliflower-gnocchi casserole (it’s basically mac n’ cheese, not gonna lie). The next one on my list is her spaghetti with lentil “meatballs” that looks phenomenal.
4. TNO
Okay, I’m sure it surprises NO ONE, but I’ll be again mentioning my favorite podcast, The Newest Olympian, in which Mike Schubert discusses Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series.
I think I talk about the pod as much as Mike talks about Hades the video game, so I’m just being consistent at this point. Also, I played Hades again this week and died so many times that my hand started hurting, so I had to stop. It’s a glorious game that I really want to progress through for the story (and artwork and music), but I’m not the greatest with games involving combat. It’s a work in progress! :}
Anyway, I watched my first livestream of the show last week! I would’ve loved to be in NYC for it, but with the trip to Boston for the Fan Expo and life just being life, that was not happening.
But I got to click on little hearts and claps and fire emojis on my computer, so that was fun 😊 Button go click, serotonin go whoosh.
Photo credit: Me! Yes, I’m sorry, it’s blurry and grainy because, for some reason, I decided to take this picture with my phone rather than do a screenshot on the computer itself, sooo. I think this particular moment of hitting the “fire” emojis was after he did a live reading of the last page of chapter 13. (You’ll likely understand this reaction if you’ve read chapter 13 of The Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan.)
5. Writing About My First Convention
As I’ve mentioned, I got the chance to visit the Boston Fan Expo a few weeks ago, so I wrote about my first convention experience! (I’ll probably make a separate letter just for this, which I will link to once it’s up if I do so.)
It was nice reliving some of the fun moments as I recorded my thoughts and experience, as well as photographing some of the gorgeous prints and pins I got at Artist Alley. I have been burning the caramel-scented “You Start in a Tavern” candle from Dragon’s Den Candles I bought there while drawing, writing, and scrolling the past week.
Hope you enjoyed reading about my first links roundup! Feel free to let me know in the comments what you’ve been enjoying this week, or if you know about anything on this list!
Anyway, happy reading and have a wonderful rest of your day!
What gives, no Works Cited today? Nothing to cite! Check back next time :)
Lovely post, well done!